Janet is a country girl, born and raised on a ranch in Northwestern Montana. She graduated from the University of Montana with a degree in mathematics. She taught school in Montana and New Jersey. She most recently taught as a member of the adjunct faculty at Flathead Valley Community College in the computer department. She was a real estate broker for over 20 years and she currently serves on several boards including the Pleasant Valley School near her ranch, which is one of the last one-room schools in Northwestern Montana.

The "ranch" in Pleasant Valley has always been her home, and she and her family are actively involved in its operation. Her son and daughter, Ryan and Lisa, are both working engineers and raise organic beef at the ranch.

Janet Monk's life has been defined from the rural Montana 50s, where she was always the "plowing person" and where she discovered "Blackjack Gum" was the best for plugging up holes in the gas tank! Presently, she keeps five horses, three donkeys and a flock of 18 extremely spoiled chickens, along with a sprinkling of cows on the Janet Monk 
          author of Austin Monk's Sharps Rifles collection sitting on rocking horse family ranch where she plays an active part in the ranching operation.

This book became a reality so that Janet's children and family would know and remember the stories that came along with her Dad's collection of rifles.